

IMPORTANT: We are in urgent need of funding to keep this project alive and ensure its future. If you’re enjoying the site, please consider contributing to our pre-launch campaign today. It is only with your help that I can continue this work.   MORE INFO / DONATE

Thanks so much for your support!   –   Jes

Welcome to the resources page for Melungeon Roots. Here you’ll find all sorts of research materials to get you started or to help you on your journey. Use the filters to find exactly what you need. Resources are added and updated daily. Happy researching!

NOTE: I’ve only entered a VERY small percentage of the data that will eventually be available for filtering. Lots more to come!

Some resources were included because of their historical significance, but they contain racist language, harmful stereotypes, and/or mature topics. I’m working to get warnings added to these items for anyone who would like to be able to filter those out, including auto-filter for Junior Researchers. You can help me speed up that process by submitting any warning information you feel should be added through our Connect form. I appreciate your help!



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